Implementing the iFrame Solution [V.1 Deprecated]

The iframe solution offers a simple option to partners who are only selling Viator experiences and who don’t want the overhead of dealing with their customer payment details.

Note: this is v.1 iFrame. For the latest version, please see here

iFrame example

Here is an example of what the iFrame generally looks like.

The iFrame can be styled, as described in our styling guide.

viator affiliate payment iframe


Content Security Policy

Partners who implement a Content Security Policy on their sites must permit resources for script-src and frame-src directives on the page where the iframe will be included.

The script-src directive specifies valid sources for Javascript, allowing the Viator library to initialize the iframe and control the interactions between the iframe.

The frame-src directive specifies valid sources for the iframe element allowing communication with the Viator servers.

Directive Sandbox Host Production Host


Example Content Security Policy for Production:

Content-Security-Policy: script-src; frame-src

Browser Support

The iframe solution supports the latest versions of Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

iFrame Implementation

Check Availability and Pricing

Request a Booking Hold:

Endpoint: /bookings/cart/hold

Note: The payment session token returned from this call is valid for a period of 1 hour after which it will expire. This token is required to be valid for calling the Confirm the Booking endpoint.

iFrame flow specific request values:

Property Value
paymentDataSubmissionMode VIATOR_FORM
hostingUrl Provide the full URL to your checkout page where the iframe will be hosted.

iFrame flow specific response values:

Property Value
paymentSessionToken The payment session token is used to initialize the iframe.


See Step by Step Guide below.

iFrame flow success response values:

Property Value
paymentToken The payment token for the payment details. Required in the confirm booking endpoint call.

Confirm the Booking

Endpoint: /bookings/cart/book

iFrame flow specific request values:

Property Value
paymentToken The paymentToken returned in the object passed to the success callback method from the payment submitForm call.

Viator Javascript Library

The Viator Javascript library must be imported into your payment details page using the following URL: 

Step-by-Step Guide

These steps will guide you through implementing the Viator iframe payments solution within your checkout page. This guide covers the main aspects that are required and should give you enough of an idea to adjust, as needed, to support your use case.

Step 1

On the page where payment details will be collected, in the <head> section of the page, include the Viator UI Javascript library. This library is required to initialize the iframe.

Note: Use the correct URL per the table above for sandbox and production environments.

Step 2

Include an element where you want the payment details iframe to be injected. The element’s id will reference this element in the initialization Javascript.

<div id=“payment-iframe-holder”>

<!– Secure iframe is injected here –>


Step 3

Provide initialization logic which will be called on page load with the paymentSessionToken that was returned from the /bookings/cart/hold API endpoint.

The element id from Step 2 should be used as the value for the cardElementContainer.

The payment variable should be in a scope that can be called during form submission.

See the Styling section for full styling options.

var payment;

function initPaymentIframe(paymentSessionToken) {

payment = new Payment(paymentSessionToken);

cardElementContainer: ‘payment-iframe-holder’,
onFormUpdate: onFormUpdate,
styling: {

variables: {

colorBackground: ‘#FFF’,
colorPrimaryText: ‘#000





Step 4

On page load, call the method to initialize the iframe passing in the payment session token returned from the /bookings/cart/hold API endpoint.

<body onload=“initPaymentIframe(‘$paymentSessionToken’)”>

Step 5

Provide the form submission logic for your payments page, which should be called to process the payment details before you handle the processing of the form.

The onSubmit method should be called when the form is submitted, and call the submitForm method of the payment variable defined in Step 3. The argument to submitForm is an object with an address field containing fields for the payer’s country code and postcode/zip code.

The onSubmitSuccess and onSubmitError methods will be called on success and error, respectively, from submitting the payment details to the payment gateway. These methods must be implemented appropriately for dealing with successful or error responses.

The payer’s country code and postcode are not included in the iframe collection form and must be collected by the partner to submit the payment details.

Note: The country code is the alpha-2 code for the customer country.

The onSubmitSuccess callback method will be passed an object in the following format:


result: “SUCCESS”,
paymentToken: <Token>,
cardData: {

cardType: “Visa”



The paymentToken is required for the Confirm the Booking endpoint.

function onSubmit(e) {

// omitted … read country and zip fields on page
const bodyData = {

address: {

country: country,
postalCode: zip




.then((res) => onSubmitSuccess(res))
.catch((err) => onSubmitError(err));


function onSubmitSuccess(message) {

// Handle success here


function onSubmitError(error) {

// Handle errors here


Step 6

When the form that contains the payment details is submitted, ensure that the form submission logic is called to process the payment details.

<button id=“submitBtn” type=“button” onclick=“onSubmit()”>Book</button>

Styling the iFrame

The styling of some elements within the iframe is supported. The full styling options available are listed below:

styling: {

colorTheme: ‘LIGHT|DARK’, // Defaults to LIGHT
variables: {

fontSize: ‘0.9rem’,
colorInputBackground: ‘#eee’,
colorBackground: ‘#eee’,
colorPrimaryText: ‘#212121’


All styling settings are optional, with any combination of them supported. Colors can be a standard CCS name or HEX value. Font sizes must be in rem.

Complete Example



<script src=></script>
<!– checkout.js
<script src=“/checkout.js” type=“application/javascript”></script>

<body onload=”initPaymentIframe(‘$paymentSessionToken’)”>


<label for=“billing-country”>Billing Country</label>
<input type=”text” name=“billing-country” size=“2” width=“4” id=“billing-country” />


<label for=“zip”>Postal Code</label>
<input type=“text” name=“zip” value=“5000” size=“10” id=“zip” />


<div>Enter your payment details below</div>

<div id=“payment-iframe-holder”>

<!– Secure iframe is injected here –>


<button id=“submitBtn” type=“button” onclick=“onSubmit()”>Book</button>



var payment;

function initPaymentIframe(paymentSessionToken) {

payment = new Payment(paymentSessionToken);

cardElementContainer: ‘payment-iframe-holder’,
onFormUpdate: onFormUpdate,
styling: {

variables: {

colorBackground: ‘#FFF’,
colorPrimaryText: ‘#000’





function onSubmit(e) {

// omitted … read country and zip fields on page
const bodyData = {

address: {

country: country,
postalCode: zip




.then((res) => onSubmitSuccess(res))
.catch((err) => onSubmitError(err));


function onSubmitSuccess(message) {

// Handle success here


function onSubmitError(error) {

// Handle errors here


Additional resources

View specs

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