The Link Alert tool in your dashboard allows you to actively monitor the status of your links and check if you’re promoting any inactive experiences.
Inactive experiences are experiences that have been removed from and are very unlikely to return. By replacing links with Link Alert, you will avoid losing commission when your audience clicks on a link to an inactive experience.
You will also receive a bi-weekly email from Viator, containing any inactive experiences that you’re promoting. If you aren’t promoting any inactive experiences in that period, you will not receive an email.
You must have a Viator Partner account to access Link Alert and to receive these emails.
This article explains every step of using Link Alert, including:
1. How to access Link Alert
- Log into your dashboard and click the Reports tab at the top of the navigation bar
- Click the new Link Alert tab, where you will see any inactive experiences you’re actively promoting on your website. Link Alert will only show you inactive experiences you’re promoting which have generated traffic in the last 21 days.
- You will see the following screen if you don’t have any inactive experiences generating traffic in that time frame:
You may still be promoting inactive experiences that haven’t generated traffic in the last 21 days, but they won’t appear in Link Alert.
2. How to understand Link Alert’s sections
- Source: The source is the Affiliate Tool in which the experience link is embedded. This could be Link, Widget, or Banner, depending on where you placed it.
- Campaign: If you added the optional campaign tracking parameter when setting up your link/widget/banner, you will see that campaign name here.
- Product name: This will be the name of the inactive experience, as it reads on the site. By clicking the product name, you will be taken to the experience’s page.
- Latest page view date: This is the last date a visitor has clicked on your inactive experience link.
- Deactivation date: This date is the date that the experience became inactive. If the Latest page view date is after the Deactivation date, you have sent traffic to the inactive experience
- Page views: This indicates the amount of traffic that has been sent to the inactive experience in the last 21 days. The higher the number, the more potential bookings you may have lost.
3. How to replace an inactive experience link
Click the Replace button on each inactive experience to update it. Here’s what will happen when you click Replace:
- Link: You will be directed to Viator Selector to select a different experience to link to.
- Banner: You will be taken to the Banner creation section of your dashboard to create a new banner with active experiences.
- Widget: You will be taken to the Widget creation section of your dashboard to create a new widget with active experiences.
- For API Partners: We recommend reviewing our support content here.
Please note: After you click Replace, the inactive experience will remain in the Link Alert list.
- If you replace the experience, it will disappear from Link Alert after 21 days of generating no traffic.
- If you do not replace the experience, it will not disappear from Link Alert unless it hasn’t generated traffic within 21 days.